Can I use your printables for commercial use?
Unfortunately, all printables falls under the Personal Use License. So you can only use them for personal use. Fortunately for you, I have turned several collections of my personal use planners into InDesign and Canva templates.
To browse them, go to Commercial Templates > All Collections. I also have these separated as individual template pages.
Why can't I open your template?
These template files are meant to be downloaded and opened from a desktop/laptop computer. Please do not download it on your iPad, tablet or any mobile phone as these files are not meant to be opened on these devices. We cannot provide any technical help at this time, so please read and follow these instructions below:You’re required to have Adobe InDesign, Illustrator or Photoshop program to use these templates. If you can't open it, it's either because:
- You have an older version of the program or
- You didn't choose the right file format that suits the older version of your program or
- You don't have any of the stated programs (above) installed in your computer
If you have the older version of the Adobe programs, go to the folder that states "Adobe CS4 or later" and choose your preferred size. Double-click on the template file and it should open into the respective Adobe program. If you do not have any of these programs installed on your computer, you can download a Free Trial or buy the Adobe Creative Suite here.